[CSCO 2015] 免疫治疗将开启胃癌治疗的新时代

作者:肿瘤瞭望   日期:2015/9/22 17:43:15  浏览量:25093


编者按:毫无疑问,免疫治疗是2015年肿瘤学界的大热门。如今,这股热潮延续到了今年的CSCO年会上。Sun Young Rha教授是韩国延世大学医学院延世癌症中心的肿瘤内科治疗专家,《肿瘤瞭望》记者有幸邀请她为我们介绍当前免疫治疗在胃癌领域的研究现状及展望。



  谈及免疫治疗在胃癌中的现状,Sun Young Rha教授称胃癌并不适用于免疫治疗,当前一些试图验证免疫治疗在胃癌中疗效的临床实验结果都不尽如人意。最近免疫节点抑制剂在包括胃癌在内的一些肿瘤中都获得了比较理想的结果。尽管还处于1b期临床试验阶段,免疫节点抑制剂在胃癌中仍有潜在疗效。一般来说,免疫治疗适用于肿瘤负荷较小的患者,有意思的是免疫节点抑制剂对于肿瘤负荷重的晚期患者的疗效也较理想。因此,免疫治疗将开启胃癌治疗的新时代。

  Gastric cancer has been known that is not a good target tumor for immunotherapy. Because, until now we have some of the trails to try to treat the gastric cancer patients with the immunotherapy but the results was not that good. But recently the checkpoint inhibitors show very good response in other tumors gastric cancer. So even if it is in thephase IB trial, ImmuneCheckpoint Inhibitors might have some potential for the gastric cancer treatment. The immunotherapy is usually good for small tumor burdens with all face of the disease. But interestingthing is that this immune checkpoint is showing response in advance cases with large tumor burdens. So it’s a new era for immunotherapyin the gastric cancer.





  Nowadaysfor phase I trial we have so many clinical trials studying immune checkpoint inhibitors in gastric cancer. For the third line we evaluate immunotherapy with checkpoint inhibitors by self or comparing with the placebo. For the second line there are some studies on Paclitaxel combination or Ramucirumab combination or comparing the checkpoint inhibitors and the paclitaxel and the standard chemotherapy. For the first line there are more complicated trails, for example, there are phase II trials trying to show that efficacy of Pembrolizumabimmunotherapy inthe PD-L1 positive patients. Also based on the PD-L1expression we have some studies on chemotherapy combining with the checkpoint inhibitors such as Pembrolizumab. Besidesthe Anti-PD-1 inhibitor, the Anti-PD-L1 inhibitors also are undergoing various settings of gastric cancer.





  Multidisciplinary therapy is very important for the cancer therapy, especially for the gastric cancer, the surgery and the chemotherapy is a mainstream,now we have more potential with the radiotherapy. Until now, the immunotherapy is not developed in all stages of the cancer. For the most metastatic cases in which the surgery is not appropriate,mostly the chemotherapy or radiotherapy is the important treatment. If we treat patients with a chemotherapy or radiotherapy it releases a cancer antigen so in that case there is a chance that the checkpoint inhibitors will show more benefit. Not just treating with the immune checkpoint inhibitors but also treating with chemotherapy might be beneficial and improve efficacy. Other radio multidisciplinary approach for the checkpoint inhibitors development, I think is more important to cooperate withtranslation researchers. Until now we even don’t know much about the biology of gastric cancer. So we need to figure out which type of gastric cancer patients will get morebenefit from the immune checkpoint inhibitors. In that case the collaboration withtranslation researchers is very important in developing new checkpoint inhibitors of gastric cancer patients.



  Sun Young Rha教授





版面编辑:张楠  责任编辑:唐蕊蕾



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