
作者:肿瘤瞭望   日期:2017/6/7 10:43:28  浏览量:33770


肿瘤瞭望:当地时间2017年6月2~6日,第53届美国临床肿瘤学会(2017 ASCO)年会在芝加哥盛大召开。ASCO年会是世界上规模最大的临床肿瘤学盛会之一,每年都吸引全球超过30000名肿瘤各个领域的专家学者参与。

《肿瘤瞭望》特别邀请APHINITY的主要研究者即大会报告讲者,德国乳腺癌研究组(GBG)的Gunter von Minckwitz教授与北京大学人民医院王殊教授接受专访,共同探讨APHINITY研究临床的意义。
王殊教授(左)、Gunter von Minckwitz教授(右)
帕妥珠单抗治疗组有171例(7.1%)患者疾病复发,安慰剂组则有210例(8.7%)(HR=0.81, P = 0.045)。估算的3年无病生存率(iDFS)在帕妥珠单抗组为94.1%,优于安慰剂组的93.2%。4年iDFS在帕妥珠单抗和安慰剂组分别为92.3%和90.6%。
其中淋巴结阳性乳腺癌患者和激素受体阴性乳腺癌患者获益更为显著。使用帕妥珠单抗的激素受体阴性乳腺癌患者的无浸润性疾病生存率为92.8%,而使用曲妥珠单抗联合化疗治疗的患者中,无浸润性疾病生存率为91.2%。在淋巴结阳性患者中,帕妥珠单抗组和安慰剂组的3年iDFS率分别为92.0%和90.2% (HR=0.77; P = 0.02)。在激素受体阴性患者中,两组3年iDFS率分别为92.8%和91.2%(HR=0.76; P=0.085)。
安全性方面,两组心衰、心源性死亡和心功能不全都不常见。3级以上腹泻几乎只在化疗期间发生,帕妥珠单抗组略高于安慰剂组 (9.8% vs. 3.7%)。
Von Minckwitz教授:我们都知道,在NeoSphere研究中,HER2阳性乳腺癌新辅助治疗采用曲妥珠+帕妥珠联合多西他赛方案可以使患者的病理完全缓解(pCR)率几乎倍增。NeoSphere中多西他赛仅用了4个周期,曲妥珠单抗用12周;而APHINITY中使用了更强的化疗和标准的曲妥珠单抗1年治疗,在这个基础上增加帕妥珠单抗仍然取得iDFS获益实属不易,其中高危亚组患者从帕妥珠单抗中的获益更具有典型意义。
在6月5日APHINITY研究结果公布之前,我想很多乳腺专科医生都还在为NeoALTTO研究新辅助双靶向治疗下提升pCR率,在ALTTO研究中未能有效转化为患者的长期获益而感到惋惜。而von Minckwitz教授带来的APHINITY研究证实,辅助治疗中双靶向抗HER2治疗是一条正确的道路。
Von Minckwitz教授:APHINITY研究中入组的患者均为HER2阳性乳腺癌,绝大多数均伴有淋巴结转移,如果淋巴结阴性则必须合并其他危险因素如肿瘤>1cm、激素受体阴性、病理分级3级或年轻等。当然,所有患者都要有足够的心功能。
在治疗理念方面,由于HER2基因是乳腺癌的最重要驱动基因,因此对HER2信号通路的双重抑制理论上能为患者提供更好的疾病缓解和生存。事实上,既往关于双靶相关研究的结果基本一致,除了APHINITY研究, ALLTO研究虽然没有达到统计学差异,仍可以看到联合靶向在辅助治疗中获益的趋势。另外,尽管曲妥珠单抗成绩斐然,但仍有1/4患者最终会复发,所以双靶向治疗理念仍然很重要。当然后续与其他通路的联合以及和免疫治疗的联合也是很有前景的。
Von Minckwitz教授:在欧洲,不同国家乳腺癌患者的实际治疗情况不同。就德国而言,我们治疗HER2阳性早期乳腺癌先要看肿瘤和淋巴结情况。比如淋巴结阴性小肿瘤可选择辅助紫杉醇+曲妥珠单抗治疗;而对较大的肿瘤通常使用辅助蒽环类/紫杉类序贯方案联合曲妥珠单抗。对于HER2阳性乳腺癌新辅助治疗,在德国大多数患者都会接受帕妥珠单抗和曲妥珠单抗双靶向治疗。
王殊教授:请问von Minckwitz教授,对于新辅助阶段采用双靶向治疗达到pCR的患者,后续如何选择合适的靶向治疗?
von Minckwitz教授:该治疗模式尚未批准,目前在德国的临床实践中,还是推荐完成满1年的曲妥珠单抗治疗。目前从新辅助到辅助一直应用曲妥珠单抗联合帕妥珠单抗的相关临床研究正在进行中,而且也要考虑卫生经济学的问题。
王殊教授:从辅助双靶向抗HER2治疗进展来看,我们现在已经取得了两项阳性的成果,一项是APHINITY研究,另一项是在1年标准曲妥珠单抗基础后增加1年来那替尼治疗。请问Von Minckwitz教授,您怎么看待这两项研究?
Von Minckwitz教授:来那替尼并不是一个很好“掌握”的药,长期使用过程中最现实的问题就是腹泻。虽然APHINITY研究有关数据还没有公布,但我们也很关注这一不良反应。近期有一项荟萃分析探索了帕妥珠单抗双靶向腹泻的发生时间和持续时间,提示治疗前两个周期可能比较明显,随后会有所缓解。APHINITY研究中患者的生活质量没有受到影响,两组是相似的。而在曲妥珠单抗序贯来那替尼的ExteNET研究中,来那替尼组生活质量更差,治疗毒副反应是患者的严重负担,因此还是要谨慎对待来那替尼的延长治疗。
中华预防医学会乳腺学组委员,《中华乳腺病杂志》编委,《ANNALS OF ONCOLOGY》中文版乳腺专刊编委。
Gunter von Minckwitz教授
德国法兰克福大学 妇产科系教授
Breast Care Journal副主编,以第一作者或共同作者在JCO、JNCI、Lancet和NEJM杂志上发表多篇学术论文
Oncology Frontier: What do you think of the data of dual HER2 blockade comes from APHINITY?
Dr von Minckwitz: Many of my colleagues are a bit with the magnitude of the effect that was observed especially when they consider what the NeoSphere and ADVANCE studies showed, almost doubling the PCR rate. We have to be aware that in NeoSphere, patients only received docetaxel for four cycles and trastuzumab for 12 weeks, so the additional effect of pertuzumab was much easier to determine. In APHINITY, there was robust full chemotherapy and one year of trastuzumab given. We also need to be aware that for a favorable group of HER2-positive patients nowadays providing data for only less than four years in median of follow-up is very early. The prognosis for these patients was very good, much better than expected. As the control arm showed a 3-year disease-free survival of 93%, an absolute improvement of 1% by pertuzumab is probably not so bad and I would always refer to the relative risk reduction of 19%, which is OK. We have to wait to see how this will develop over time.
Oncology Frontier: According to the APHINITY study,what changes will happen to clinical practice in early breast cancer(EBC)?
Dr Wang: In my opinion, the results from APHINITY are fantastic. It is the first time that we have proved that dual blockade is effective in metastatic and adjuvant settings. Before today, I think a lot of the doctors had been frustrated that the beneficial NeoALTTO trial results had not translated into the ALTTO trials, but now we have the APHINITY results, we can feel confident we are heading the right way. As far as translating these results into clinical practice, it is still too early to make predictions, as Professor von Minckwitz said. The difference is not that dramatic and we will have to wait and see. For some high-risk patients (hormone receptor-negative, node-positive) it may be a better choice of therapy.
Oncology Frontier: Could you tell us about the main characters of patents enrolled in the trial?
Dr von Minckwitz: First of all of course, they had to have HER2-positive tumors. They had to have node-positive disease, or if they were node-negative, they had to have other risk factors including tumor size >1cm, hormone receptor-negative, grade 3 disease or of a young age. All patients needed to have sufficient cardiac function.
Oncology Frontier: In the clinical setting, how to choose the appropriate patient for Trastuzumab (T) plus pertuzumab (P) treatment?
Dr von Minckwitz: In Germany, we have approval to use pertuzumab for two years now in the neoadjuvant setting. We are treating in general many patients neoadjuvantly, probably much more than in other countries. The majority of these patients have certain risk features. They have a high probability of being node-positive, they are receptor-negative or they have large tumors, for example. So we use pertuzumab already, and the APHINITY study is very helpful now because it shows that were right in doing that. We now have the proof that disease-free survival is improved. Even in the neoadjuvant setting though, there are patients who are not at that high a risk where we would not necessarily use pertuzumab. APHINITY would support that approach. In a country where there is less use of neoadjuvant treatment and surgery is done first, there is now an open window to use dual blockade in the adjuvant setting.
Oncology Frontier: what can chinese doctors learn from APHINITY on the treatment conception and practice?
Dr Wang: It is a somewhat embarrassing question to answer because we don’t have pertuzumab in China in clinical use. We have trials ongoing in the metastatic setting and neoadjuvant setting, so maybe in the future we can keep up with the rest of the world. As a concept, we all agree with our international colleagues. HER2 is a driver gene, so dual blockade may provide more opportunity for complete blockade and result in better survival. In APHINITY we have not seen that much difference, but it is still too early to confirm future outcomes.
Oncology Frontier: Could you please introduce to us about the common treatment modalities of early HER2-positive breast cancer in Europe.
Dr von Minckwitz: There are many countries in Europe, so I better refer to what we do in Germany. It is different from the UK, for example. With small node-negative tumors, we use paclitaxel/trastuzumab. For larger T1 tumors where we operate first, we use an anthracycline/taxane sequence and we start trastuzumab together with the taxane in most centers. The treatment of choice tends towards neoadjuvant treatment in HER2-positive disease, and the majority of these patients will get dual blockade. As neoadjuvant treatment is of shorter duration and NeoSphere was not conducted with continuing trastuzumab after surgery, it is more affordable to use pertuzumab in the neoadjuvant setting. NeoSphere reported this tendency towards a better disease-free survival, and in conjunction with APHINITY, at least some of the efficacy of pertuzumab can be reached with three months treatment, which is one-quarter of the cost of one-year treatment, so it is sensible to do this.
Oncology Frontier: After the APHINITY results were released,which Trastuzumab (T) plus pertuzumab (P) treatment modality do you prefer: Neoadjuvent only?Adjuvent only?Or from neoadjuvent to adjuvent?
Dr von Minckwitz: Well I am biased having done so much research in the neoadjuvant field. In our Guideline, it clearly says that for HER2 patients and triple-negative patients, neoadjuvant treatment is the first choice. I believe in this concept. Regarding NeoALTTO/ALTTO, if we did a meta-analysis of all lapatinib neoadjuvant studies, I think there would be a moderate (but not necessarily significant) improvement in PCR. ALTTO saw a moderate (but not significant) effect with lapatinib and one of the main reasons why it was just not positive was because there was a third arm. If the third arm wasn’t there, then the p-value would have been significant. So it is a borderline thing. To me, there is not too much difference from APHINITY. The hazard ratios are not that different. It is in terms of the toxicity profile where I would say there is an advantage with pertuzumab.
Dr Wang: Dual blockade is really important for anti-HER2 therapy. In both APHINITY and the ALTTO trial, the trend is clearly consistent. Even though in the ALTTO trial there was not a significant difference, the trend is clear that dual blockade shows clear efficacy. I have a question regarding neoadjuvant therapy. If a patient uses trastuzumab and pertuzumab in the neoadjuvant setting and achieves PCR, should they stop or continue for a year on dual blockade?
Dr von Minckwitz: We still recommend continuing on trastuzumab for a year. There is no trial evidence for pertuzumab continuation and currently we wouldn’t, plus we don’t have a label for one year anyway. There are trials on the way looking at that. It is definitely one of the big questions currently and we have a lot of discussion related to the costs involved. If we want to distribute resources to as many patients as possible, it might be better not to continue.
Dr Wang: We have two clinical trials in the adjuvant setting with dual blockade. One is sequential neratinib followed by trastuzumab for two years, and the other is the APHINITY combination for one year. If both of those drugs were approved in Europe, which would you prefer?
Dr von Minckwitz: Neratinib is not an easy drug. Diarrhea is a real issue over such a long period. We had to be careful with the incidence of diarrhea in the APHINITY study. We have not released those data yet, but there was a meta-analysis of the metastatic NeoSphere study looking at when this diarrhea occurs and how long does it last. It is much more pronounced for the first couple of cycles and then it reduces, so the annoyance to patients is less. The quality of life assessment was no different between the two groups. In the ExteNET study with neratinib, the quality of life is worse. It is a burden for the patient, so we have to be careful with how we approach treatment.
Oncology Frontier: Could you please analyze the treatment pattern of HER2-positive breast cancer between the East and the West? And what is the major challenge of anti-HER2 therapies we are facing today in china?
Dr Wang: In China, the only anti-HER2 therapy we have is trastuzumab and lapatinib. Pertuzumab, TDM1 and others are still only in clinical trials. We have to change the government policy for new drug approval to keep pace with the rest of the world, otherwise we will always be behind. The other issue in China is the insurance system. Trastuzumab is now covered by insurance so it is getting better and in some areas, the government pays part of the expense of trastuzumab. But in most areas of China, most HER2-positive patients pay for their treatment on their own. This is a big issue that has to change, so that more patients can get maximum benefit from these drugs. Each coin has two sides. The current situation gives the domestic pharmaceutical industry opportunities to develop similar or new drugs and some of these are in clinical trials and some of those look promising. That is good for Chinese patients. But we have to wait for these drugs to be approved – that is the biggest issue.

版面编辑:洪山  责任编辑:马翔



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