
SIBCS2019丨Monica Morrow:少即是多!浅谈乳腺癌腋窝淋巴结处理

作者:肿瘤瞭望   日期:2019/10/22 11:55:44  浏览量:13685


编者按:绚丽金秋,潮涌东方。第十四届上海国际乳腺癌论坛(SIBCS2019)于10月18日在东方明珠上海拉开帷幕。来自纪念斯隆-凯特琳癌症中心(MSKCC)的Monica Morrow教授,在大会首日带来了“少即是多:乳腺外科的进展与方向”的主题报告。会后,《肿瘤瞭望》再邀Morrow教授,探讨乳腺癌腋窝淋巴结处理的热点话题。

Monica Morrow教授

前哨宏转移——放疗vs 腋清?
Prof. Morrow: For one or two macrometastasis of the sample nodes, and I think the answer to that question is yes. Data from the prospective randomized trials IBCSG 23-01, Z0011, and AMAROS, clearly shows no survival benefit for doing the axillary dissection, no increase in their risk of cancer recurring in the armpit if you only do the sample node biopsy. And there are far fewer side effects from only doing a sentinel node biopsy than doing a sentinel node biopsy and an axillary dissection. So, it is our standard practice not to do axillary dissection for micrometastasis in patient having lumpectomy or macrometastasis if the patient is having lumpectomy and radiation.
对于1~2枚淋巴结宏转移,我认为这个问题的答案是肯定的,来自前瞻性随机试验EBCSG 23-01、Z0011和AMAROS的数据,清楚地表明进行腋窝清扫没有生存获益;如果你只做前哨淋巴结活检,并不会增加腋窝的癌症复发风险;而且仅做前哨淋巴结活检的副作用远少于腋窝淋巴结清扫。因此,对于淋巴结微转移计划进行乳房切除的患者,或者淋巴结宏转移计划进行乳房切除和放疗的患者,我们的标准做法是不进行腋窝清扫。
Prof. Morrow: I think that as far as diagnostics methods to avoid sentinel node biopsy at this point in time there is no diagnostic test that reliably detects small amount of microscopic disease in the nodes. So, since knowing whether or not you have a positive node remains important for decision making about drug therapy in some patients and about what radiation you give in other patients at the time being, I think that sentinel node biopsy remains standard. The exception to that rule is in women who are older than 70 years, who have estrogen receptor positive cancers, who we will not give chemotherapy to anyway, then we don’t do a sentinel node biopsy.
前哨活检——新辅助前 or后?
Prof. Morrow: And as far as neoadjuvant therapy goes, we no longer ever do sentinel node biopsy before neoadjuvant therapy. Part of the benefit of neoadjuvant therapy is reducing the likelihood of having disease in the sentinel nodes. So, we don’t think you need to do it beforehand. Studies have shown it is accurate afterwards and doing it before doesn’t provide any information that we need for treatment, so we only do it afterwards.
Monica Morrow


版面编辑:洪山  责任编辑:彭伟彬



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