[SABCS2014]乳腺癌放疗能否提高患者生存率—— Ivo A. Olivotto访谈

作者:  I.A.Olivotto博士   日期:2014/12/14 20:25:48  浏览量:64010




  Oncology Frontier: For those women who do not hit all of those markers and radiotherapy is opted, what should be taken into consideration?


  Dr. Ollivotto: If the patient is not interested in breast saving or breast conservation and she will soon have the breast off, mastectomy is the simplest thing to do. If she is interested in breast conservation and when we survey women in north America about 80% given a choice elect breast conserving surgery but there is still about 20% who elect not to. One of the big factors that drives women to say “no thanks I do not want it”, is the time and inconvenience. Historically and in the United States, radiation treatment is given over a 5, 6, 6.5 week interval. It is not necessary. There have been studies that we have done in Canada and the UK demonstrating that a 3 week course of daily visits to the cancer center is perfectly adequate. Access, time, and inconvenience is one thing women need to consider. The next thing is the size and shape of the breast. The goal of the breast conserving surgery is to leave the breast that looks pretty normal compared to the other side. If the tumor is large, then you have to chop out too much of the breast and it leaves a disfigured appearance and you may have not achieved as much as you could. Size, relative to the size of the breast would be the next consideration and then in giving radiation, therapy mostly is well tolerated but there are small groups of patients, people with diseases such as lupus, systemic lupus erythematosus, scleroderma, autoimmune diseases, Crest syndrome, who may have an increased risk of developing fibrosis in association with radial therapy, xerodermapigmentosum, ataxia telangiectasia, and some of these types of rare genetic or autoimmune conditions that increase fibrosis. Those people should have not it. People who have previous radiation in a curative sense, like for Hodgkin’s disease, where we give radiation to the mediastinum, have already had half the breast treated and adding radiation to those patients, they may be better served by mastectomy. Assuming they do not have any of these relative to absolute contraindications to radiation therapy, then you would think about discussing with them the risk of other side effects. In my view and experience, there are patients who develop more fibrosis and scarring with the 3 types of treatment. Those in particular are people with very large breasts where technically we do not get as very homogenous a dose. Number 2, people who have a problem after the surgery, either a lot of swelling of the breast after the excision and infection or a big hematoma, those people have a higher risk of fibrosis and complications from the radiation. They might be better served by the more extended American type fractionation over 6.5 weeks so the choice of technique is important. Using techniques that improve the homogeneity of the breast, there is something called field in field techniques that are much better than wedge and radiation therapy which is a historical way of treating. Having access and developing the skills to use more modern radiation planning that improves the homogeneity of the breast, improves the outcome. Those would be some of the considerations.


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