[ASCO-GI 2015]分子分型能否预测结直肠癌预后——Sabine Tejpar博士访谈

作者:  S.Tejpar   日期:2015/1/18 17:21:07  浏览量:66909


编者按:2015胃肠道癌症研讨会于1月15-17日在美国旧金山隆重举行,比利时天主教鲁汶大学的Sabine Tejpar博士做了“结直肠癌分子特征”的主题演讲,会后《肿瘤瞭望》前方记者采访了Tejpar博士。

  Oncology Frontier: How do the molecular differences of colorectal cancer subtypes affect treatment response to targeted therapy and/or chemotherapy?




  Dr Tejpar: That is an interesting question for two reasons. Firstly, when you look at these intrinsic biological subtypes, they differ quite strongly in biology so you would expect that not all drugs would work homogeneously across all subtypes. That is a no-brainer. When we annotate the biological differences between these groups, it becomes obvious that some of the favored pathways we tend to use as drug targets are differently expressed between patients. So we can clearly offer up the hypothesis that there is not going to be homogeneity in terms of efficacy of response. The second point relates to managing expectations and encouraging people to do work on this topic. If you really want to prove it unquestionably and have true clinical impacts, we need a lot of studies to do that. This is what we are doing now. We are taking defined subgroups and applying them retrospectively to a lot of drug trials. We look at how drug efficacy rates according to these groups. Then the next step is to do the same thing prospectively by trying to find fault with the hypothesis by using control groups to determine the differences. I want to rally the community around the enormous amount of work that needs to be done. For four or five different trials, we need to reanalyze outcomes, plus several prospective trials need to be done. I have no doubt that any type of biological subclassification of any cancer will impact drug response, clinical care and patient management but it is going to take a big community effort to get there and all stakeholders need to be involved. That means we need to go back through the academic trials, we need to reanalyze pharma research and we need to get the momentum up for new trials that incorporate some level of stratification to at least make things easier afterwards. That means a whole system needs to be functioning.



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结直肠癌分子分型结直肠癌预后ASCO GI 2015

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