
CCHIO 国际视野丨Corazon Ngelangel教授:手拉手,心连心,共同做好乳腺癌的预防与控制

作者:肿瘤瞭望   日期:2023/11/30 11:19:33  浏览量:3622


2023年中国整合肿瘤学大会(CCHIO)于11月16~19号在天津举行,在国际专场三-Unit2上,菲律宾癌症协会的Corazon Ngelangel教授带来了“Challenges&Perspectives of Global Cancer Control:Focus on Breast Cancer Control”的报告,介绍了乳腺癌当前的挑战及诊疗现状。报告结束后,Corazon Ngelangel教授接受了肿瘤瞭望的采访,分享了此次参会的体验及当前菲律宾在控制乳腺癌这一疾病方面所做的努力。

编者按:2023年中国整合肿瘤学大会(CCHIO)于11月16~19号在天津举行,在国际专场三-Unit2上,菲律宾癌症协会的Corazon Ngelangel教授带来了“Challenges&Perspectives of Global Cancer Control:Focus on Breast Cancer Control”的报告,介绍了乳腺癌当前的挑战及诊疗现状。报告结束后,Corazon Ngelangel教授接受了肿瘤瞭望的采访,分享了此次参会的体验及当前菲律宾在控制乳腺癌这一疾病方面所做的努力。

Corazon Ngelangel教授:CCHIO为我们提供了一个很好的交流机会,如你所了解的,我们缺乏面对面地与亚洲和世界上所有同道分享诊疗经验和最新诊疗进展的机会。过去几年,因为一些不可抗因素的影响我们只能在国内参加会议,今年我已经在几个国家参与了多场国际性会议,这让我在第一时间了解到其他国家的最新进展,比如前阵子我在会上了解了多发性骨髓瘤和未定潜能克隆造血(CHIP)的相关知识。
Oncology Frontier:Could you share your feelings about attending this CCHIO congress?
Actually,it’s a great opportunity since we had this pandemic thing and we have not really come face to face with all your colleagues in the world to share experiences and updates.This year has been quite eventful for me,with multiple meetings in various locations.For the past year,two years or so,there was nothing.Most of the time,you would stay within the country,and any meetings that did occur were limited in scope.And now this is very nice because you can see firsthand latest developments.For example,a while ago,I learned about the new developments in multiple myeloma and the CHIP thing.
I am a medical oncologist,but I’m not really into hematology.So,things beyond my expertise is kind of a welcome,particularly in joining such a conference as what we have now in China.

Corazon Ngelangel教授:我认为乳腺癌领域取得的成就是菲律宾整个癌症控制项目的一部分,但目前取得的相关成就不仅局限在乳腺癌领域,而是囊括了所有癌症项目。2019年,《全国癌症综合控制法案》签署成为法律。实施细则和条例(IRR)于2020年完成,但直到2022年,我们才开始着手制定一个真正切实可行的未来10年战略计划。
Oncology Frontier:The Philippine Cancer Control Program began in 1988.So what do you think has been achieved over the last 30 years in the field of breast cancer and what are the challenges?
It’s not really in the field of breast cancer alone.It’s in the whole cancer control program in the Philippines.In 2019,the National Integrated Cancer Control Act was signed into law.It was signed in 2019 and the problem at the time was it was pandemic time.So the implementation kind of lagged because we had to focus our attention on the COVID problem before we went on to implement the law.
The IRR(implementing rules and regulations)was done in 2020,but it’s actually now,in 2022,that we are coming up with an honest-to-goodness strategic plan for the next 10 years or so.But even though we have not really,even beyond the 2019 signing of the law,there have been already some baby steps towards the improvement of cancer control in the Philippines.The Cancer Medicine Access Program,which is a Department of Health program to provide free drugs for some types of cancers,has been there initially started for breast cancer patients.
So that the cancer medicine access program began as a breast cancer medicine access program since 2012.And just last year we included several other cancers that the Department of Health can give free drugs to implementing the NICCA law.
And the other thing is that the government also is upgrading several cancer centers across the Philippines.The Philippines is made of islands.It’s not really a main big island.To address the challenge of transporting patients across different locations,the plan is to establish cancer centers in the major islands of the Philippines,specifically within the tertiary hospitals affiliated with the Department of Health.Also included in the cancer centers is infrastructure,particularly for radiotherapy.Because previously,radiotherapy facilities were primarily concentrated in Metro Manila.Now they are slowly scaling up with radiotherapy facilities from Luzon to Visayas and Mindanao.Those are the big three islands of the Philippines.So that’s treatment.
Now the thing I’ll be addressing prevention in my talk this afternoon at the convention event,particularly focusing on the lack of an organized,community-based,population-wide breast cancer early detection program.The Philippine Cancer Society,as a country-related NGO,took the initiative to jumpstart a breast cancer early detection program,since the DOH has not been starting it.So we came up with a pilot program in one barangay.Barangay is a locality,a defined geographic area,political area.We wanted to do that so that we would have a defined population,a defined number of patients that we can examine and come up with outcomes,that we could outline and then most probably prove the feasibility and success of the program to the Department of Health.
The key to the success of the program lies in its affordability and feasibility through education.We’re doing clinical breast examinations other than mammography because that’s very expensive.It’s important to note that cervical cancer in women is another aspect we’re addressing.There is a heavily funded cervical cancer screening program under WHO,and cervical cancer screening is very heavily funded by DOH.So that’s actually what they’re focusing themselves on.
And breast cancer,which is the main cancer in the Philippines,both in incidence and mortality,is left behind.Cervical cancer is second in women,maybe fourth in both sexes,but breast cancer is on the top.

Corazon Ngelangel教授:除前边已经提到的点,目前,我们的目标是实现癌症诊断和治疗的“分期改善”。目前菲律宾有60%到70%的女性被诊断为晚期乳腺癌即第Ⅲ、Ⅳ期。大约有30%到40%的患者处于第Ⅰ、Ⅱ期。我们开展早期检测计划的目的就是更早发处于晚期阶段的患者。
Oncology Frontier:Could you introduce the prevalence and practice of breast cancer in the Philippines?What are your perspectives for breast cancer control?
Apart from what I have said before,as of now,we are aiming to achieve a“stage shift”in cancer diagnosis and treatment.Currently,we have like 60 to 70%of women are diagnosed with breast cancer at stage 3 and 4,and about 30%to 40%are in the stage 1 and 2.So if we do this early detection program,we aim to stage shift.
In the next 10 years or so,hopefully,what we are looking at now would be 75%stage 1 and 2 and 25%stage 3 and 4 during diagnosis.It’s really easier to treat stage 1 and 2 breast cancer patients because they would have higher survival rates,particularly if they get treated promptly compared to stage 3 and 4.
Corazon Ngelangel教授
Philippine Cancer Society


版面编辑:张靖璇  责任编辑:无医学编辑



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