[EHA2014]-JOSé CARRERAS青年研究者奖得主Dr Hartmut Duhner分享急性髓性白血病研究进展

作者:肿瘤瞭望   日期:2014/6/15 16:59:19  浏览量:23904


Profssor Dohner:好的,一直以来我们都致力于急性髓性白血病的研究,我们对患者基因损伤部位进行识别,并将这些基因损伤部位与患者临床表型和预后联系起来,因此我们可以更好的理解这种疾病的生物学,正是基于这种更透彻的理解,我们才得以研发出新的治疗方法。我们已经着手开展一期研究,将传统细胞毒药物治疗与新的药物、激酶抑制剂及其他许多药物联合使用。

   Oncology Frontier  : First of all, on behalf of our Chinese colleagues, I would like to congratulate you on your award.


  Professor Dohner : Thank you very much.
  Professor Dohner:非常感谢。
  Oncology Frontier  : Could you please share with us your major achievements?
  Profssor Dohner: Well we have a long interest in the study of acute myeloid leukemia, the identification of genetic lesions, and correlating these genetic lesions with clinical phenotype with outcome of the patients.  And then with that better understanding, we develop novel therapies, which are based on a better understanding of the disease biology.  We have embarked on first studies and combining the conventional type of cytotoxic treatment with novel agents, kinase inhibitors, and many other drugs.
  Profssor Dohner:好的,一直以来我们都致力于急性髓性白血病的研究,我们对患者基因损伤部位进行识别,并将这些基因损伤部位与患者临床表型和预后联系起来,因此我们可以更好的理解这种疾病的生物学,正是基于这种更透彻的理解,我们才得以研发出新的治疗方法。我们已经着手开展一期研究,将传统细胞毒药物治疗与新的药物、激酶抑制剂及其他许多药物联合使用。
  Oncology Frontier  : Thank you.  What is your next step in your research?
  《肿瘤瞭望》 :谢谢您的介绍,那您研究计划的下一步是什么?
  Professor Dohner : I think we are still are quite far away from really understanding the complex biology of the disease and the interactions between gene mutations.  We have a new layer of complexity now that has all the epigenetic alterations that we find in AML and this will take some time to really understand all these molecular mechanisms to really identify new targets for treatment and then to develop and bring these novel compounds into the clinic.  That will be a major challenge for the next 5 or 10 years.
  Professor Dohner:我认为我们目前其实距离真正了解这种疾病复杂的生物学及其涉及的基因突变的实质,还有很遥远的距离。我们现在面临一个新的复杂问题,那就是我们在急性髓细胞性白血病中发现的这些表观遗传学的改变,我们仍需时间去弄清楚其中涉及的分子机制,从而才能为治疗找到新的靶点,研发出新的药物并将其应用于临床治疗。这将是未来5到10年我们研究的主要挑战。

版面编辑:张楠  责任编辑:吉晓蓉



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