[EHA2014]谈血液系统干细胞发育及细胞信号转导——Jan Cools教授访谈

作者:肿瘤瞭望   日期:2014/6/16 19:20:00  浏览量:27701


编者按:Jan Cools教授美国波士顿哈佛医学院博士后,以其名字命名的Jan Cools实验室致力于白血病分子遗传学、白血病的发展以及治疗新策略的系统研究,在血液学领域取得巨大成就。他是《血液学杂志》的主编,是本次EHA会议的顾问。在EHA2014会议现场,《肿瘤瞭望》记者就其“血液系统干细胞发育及细胞信号转导”的学术问题以及“对中国血液学发展的印象”的人文问题进行了采访。


  Oncology Frontier  : Thank you very much for being here with Oncology Frontier.  Could you tell us your impression of the 19th EHA?
  OF: 感谢您接受肿瘤瞭望的采访,您能向我们简单谈谈你对19届欧洲血液学协会年会(EHA)的印象吗?
  Professor Cools  : The meeting has 11,000 attendees so it is a very successful meeting.  We are in this beautiful city of Milan in Europe.  It is the maximum number and highest number of attendees we have ever had and it is a program full of basic science, translational science, and clinical science so I think it is very attractive for all hematologists and researchers all over the world.
  Professor Cools:本届大会共有11000人出席,因此是个非常成功的会议。我们齐聚在欧洲这座美丽的城市---米兰,这是我们至今为止参加过的规模最大、参与人数最多的会议,它囊括了基础科学、应用科学以及临床科学,我认为这对世界各地的所有血液学专家及研究人员来说,都是非常有吸引力的。
  Oncology Frontier : I know that you are the Editor in Chief of Haematologica, as you know Oncology Frontier is a young publication in China.  Can you say several words to our new publication?
  OF: 我们都知道您是《血液病学》杂志的首席编辑,而肿瘤瞭望是中国的一个新刊物,您对我们这个新刊物有什么要说的吗?
  Professor Cools  : For the journal that we publish here, it is a very old journal.  It has existed for almost 100 years already but we have gone through different phases of course, and science publications are evolving all of the time.  We have to try to keep track with the modern evolution of how to publish articles and how research is performed.  The EHA has worked together with the FerrataStorti Foundation in Italy, actually not far from Milan, to publish this journal and we are now trying to focus on publishing really new studies in hematology that are either basic science, translational science, or clinical science at all levels of research.  We focus on those new studies that bring novelty and can advance the field and are very important for either therapeutic insight or in basic research institutes.  It is probably what all the journals try to do, which is publish interesting and novel studies.  There are many different journals needed because there are a lot of publications going on.  Different journals have different focus so we are happy that we can contribute on one side for hematology and the oncology front of course, I can contribute more to the oncology side.
  Professor Cools:我们目前出版的这个期刊,其历史非常悠久,它已经存在了将近100年了,当然,我们也经历过不同的阶段,科学出版物不管在什么年代都一直在发展。我们必须尽力跟上文章是如何发表的、研究是如何开展的这些现代化进展的脚步。EHA与意大利FerrataStorti 基金会(距米兰不远)共同合作出版这个杂志,我们正在致力于发表血液学领域中真正前沿的研究,包括基础科学、应用科学及临床科学的所有水平的研究。我们比较关注那些在血液学领域中新颖的、可促进发展的,并且对临床治疗策略和基础研究机构有重要影响的新研究。这或许是所有学术期刊都在试图达到的目标—发表有趣且新颖的研究成果。目前大量文章层出不穷,因此我们正需要许多不同类型的学术期刊,不同的期刊有不同的侧重点,很高兴我们能够为血液学的一部分贡献出自己的力量,同样肿瘤瞭望也是如此,为血液学的肿瘤部分贡献出更多的力量。
  Oncology Frontier  : Can you summarize your speech today on the conference?
  OF: 您能总结一下您今天在大会上的演讲吗?

  Professor Cools  : I was only the chair of the conference so I only talked at one session at the conference like that.  The session we had today was on molecular aspects of hematology in normal hematology.  Normal hematology developments and normal signaling that goes on, stem cell developments, and hematopoietic stem cells which develop in the stem cell niche which then move out of the niche and go into the circulation, but we also had a session based and focused really on the signaling aspect between the transcriptional and epigenetic aspects, all really focusing on how stem cells behave.  I thought it was a very broad session with 12 different speakers all focusing on different aspects of those fields and I was helped by 3 additional chairs, Ross Levine from New York, JürgSchwaller from Switzerland, and VeronikaSexi from Austria so it was a really nice session mainly focusing at the molecular level, so really basic research aspects.  I think most of the meeting is still looking at the clinical aspects of treatment, of course which is a very important aspect but this session focused more on the basic research.
  Professor Cools:我是分会的主席,我只在一个分会上做了演说,这个会议的主题是关于正常血液系统分子方面:正常血液系统的发育和正常的信号转导,干细胞发育,造血干细胞在干细胞池中发育,随后从池中移出进入到循环系统,我们同样有个分会主要关注的是转导和表观遗传方面的信号,所有这些都是围绕干细胞如何行动这个主题。我认为这个分会的涉及面非常广,我们有12个致力于这些领域不同方面的演讲者来进行汇报,并且有3个额外的主席来辅助我,他们分别是来自纽约的Ross Levine,来自瑞士的JürgSchwaller,以及来自奥地利的VeronikaSexi ,因此这是一个主要致力于分子水平的分会,确确实实是基础研究方面的会议。我觉得目前大多数的会议仍旧着眼于临床治疗方面的研究,当然这也是一个非常重要的方面,但是今天这个分会更多关注的则是基础研究。

  Oncology Frontier  : Do you know your Chinese colleagues progress in the field that you study?  Do you have any words for them?
  Professor Cools : Well I think we are progressing all over the world.  China is a rapidly evolving country and I think both in all kinds of developments but also in the oncology and hematology field. We have a lot of collaborations actually, also the EHA has a close link now with the Chinese Society of Hematology so I think that is a very good evolution so that we can link with the Chinese societies and the Japanese societies, we are closely related to them, also with the American society so I think research is really a global thing to do so it is good that we can collaborate with all over the world.
  Professor Cools:我认为世界各地的研究者们都正在进步。中国是一个快速发展的国家,不仅是在其他各方面快速发展,同样在肿瘤学和血液学领域中发展也特别迅速。事实上我们有过许多合作, 目前EHA与中国血液病学协会同样也有密切的联系,我认为这是一个非常好的进步,我们通过与中国协会、日本协会同样还有美国协会紧密联系,达成一个全球化的研究体系,这对于我们与全世界的同仁们一起合作来说是非常好的一件事。

版面编辑:张楠  责任编辑:吉晓蓉



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