
作者:  R.L.Levine   日期:2015/12/28 16:50:01  浏览量:25003








  That’s why I think we need to get all of our data together in a format where we can really ensure that our sphere of actionable mutations is as accurate and as large as possible. And the more information we have that we can disseminate about those actionable lesions, the faster we can bring that to patients everywhere worldwide.


  I think genomics is getting faster and better and easier all the time, so we can always argue and talk about what’s possible today, but we always have to push it and ask what’s not possible today could easily be possible tomorrow. And that’s the exciting opportunity that what we can’t do now may be done by next year exactly at this meeting. I think there’s just never been a better time for all of us in research, in clinical care, for our patients, for families—that this era really is a tremendous opportunity and privilege and it’s our responsibility to take advantage of it for everybody.






  I think it’s all going to be a part of it. I think we’re going to have to look at tumors under the microscope, we’re going to need epigenetics, genetics, we’re going to need scans, we’re going to need to be doctors and examine our patients. No one parameter is ever going to be the answer. This is just another tool as part of the assessment of the patient and their disease.






  Well, to me, there’s two parts of the next phase. The first is: we need to get information, not on tens or hundreds of patients, but on thousands and tens of thousands of patients together by combining data sets and getting robust predictors. We also need to increase access to the genomic platforms—whether our patients are in New York City in a large academic center or in Kansas or in Fiji—that we have access to that genomic platform no matter where the patients is so that it’s not knowing where it is, or availability of the platform, or cost that everyone can get that profiling done and everyone can use that information.

  专家简介:Ross L. Levine, MD  美国纪念斯隆-凯特琳癌症中心肿瘤专家、Laurence Joseph Dineen白血病研究主席,主要研究领域涉及骨髓恶性肿瘤的基因组学研究及治疗,尤其擅长骨髓增殖性肿瘤的治疗。

版面编辑:张楠  责任编辑:付丽云



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