[NGCAC2014]全身化疗联合腹腔化疗使胃癌腹膜转移患者获益——Joji Kitayama教授访谈

作者:  Kitayama   日期:2014/7/15 10:56:55  浏览量:68449


编者按:在第九届全国胃癌学术会议暨第二届阳光长城肿瘤学术会议 上,日本东京大学医学院附属医院的Joji Kitayama教授(北山丈二)介绍了日本胃癌腹膜转移的治疗策略现状和展望,其中特别介绍了他们采用全身化疗联合腹腔灌注化疗的尝试。在采访中,Kitayama教授非常看好这种方法在腹膜转移患者中的应用。

  Dr Kitayama: In general, historically, we (and many doctors in China) have performed palliative surgery for these patients. In some patients, there is a definite benefit where there is a large tumor for example which induces gastrointestinal obstruction and when we perform palliative surgery in those cases, it helps to improve the systemic condition by allowing the patient to eat properly and function more normally. Such a surgery may not prolong survival but will influence the status of the patient in terms of quality of life. In such cases, palliative surgery has beneficial effects for the patient but it depends on the individual case. We need to choose our patients carefully but it is a difficult thing to do.
  Dr Kitayama:一般来说,过去我们(包括中国的许多医生)一直都为这些患者开展姑息性手术治疗。一些患者,例如巨大肿瘤引起消化道梗阻者可从中(姑息性手术)明确获益。当我们为这类患者实行姑息性手术后,患者能够适当进食、功能更加正常,全身状况因此而改善。这样一个手术或许并不能延长患者的生存期,但是在生活质量上却对患者影响很大,在这种情况下,姑息性手术对患者则是有益的影响,但还是要取决于个体的情况。我们需要仔细甄选患者,但这确实是件困难的事情。
  Oncology Frontier: Is there any progress in surgical treatment for advanced gastric cancer, especially for those patients with peritoneal metastasis but no ascites?
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版面编辑:张楠  责任编辑:吉晓蓉



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