[ASH2016]EHA主席Tony Green教授:大会精彩亮点回顾

作者:  T.Green   日期:2016/12/6 16:24:10  浏览量:20536


编者按:在第58届美国血液学会(ASH)年会现场,我们非常荣幸地邀请到欧洲血液学会(EHA)现任主席、英国剑桥大学临床医学院Tony Green教授分享本届大会的精彩亮点内容。

  [ASH巅峰访谈]EHA主席Tony Green教授:大会精彩亮点回顾

EHA主席、英国剑桥大学临床医学院  Tony Green教授




  Green主席:当然。今年我参加的ASH-EHA论坛会议就非常的精彩,其中一项议题:多潜能干细胞及其临床应用让我非常兴奋。其中两位讲者,来自波士顿的George Daley教授和德国的Oliver Brüstle教授的演讲内容十分精彩。George Daley主要演讲内容分为多潜能干细胞的血液分化;Oliver Brüstle则更多谈到多潜能干细胞向神经细胞的分化方向。




  Dr. Green: Certainly. As always, there are many highlights at ASH, but if I were to select just a few that have been particularly exciting, there was a very good session—this was a join ASH-EHA session—on pluripotent stem cells and whether they will be of clinical use. And they had two fantastic speakers: George Daley, from Boston, and Oliver Brüstle, from Germany. So, George Daley talked mainly about the blood side of pluripotent stem cells and how they can be used to generate blood cells, and Oliver Brüstle talked more about the neurological side.And both gave fantastic talks. And then, other areas or highlights, I think, the plenary session had the six best abstracts presented and within there, they had some really very exciting results. On a clinical level,they had the results of a new trial of factor IX hemophilia using anti-viruses and they really do look now is if they are, essentially, able to stop having to use factor concentrates. So, this is a remarkable result for patients with hemophilia. So, that’s gene therapy for hemophilia really succeeding.


  There was, and again, an interesting clinical trial in sickle cell disease, suggesting that antibodies 2p selectin—which, presumably, are blocking adhesion of platelets and red cells—have clinical effectiveness in patients with sickle cell disease. So, that’s very exciting. And then, there’s some fantastic basic science as well. Solapado has a story that mitochondria can be passed down from blood stem cells to stromal cells and this may be a way of getting rid of reactive oxygen species—so, a way the stem cells could control ROS. But there may also be other signaling “cascades,” as it were, that are triggered. And it looks as if the mitochondrial transfer might be two-way. So, again, that’s very surprising, very interesting. So, just a few of the exciting things that have happened at ASH.






  Dr. Green: Next year at EHA. So next year it will be, as always, in June. Next year it’s going to be in Madrid, in Spain. And so we are looking forward to that. It’s going to be a beautiful venue. And the program is not finalized yet, but it will certainly contain some new things, particularly trying to support the younger trainees—both the scientists and the clinicians—and so there’s going to be a particular emphasis on them. And there’s actually going to be a whole day meeting immediately before EHA for youngsters to present their research. And then there will be a usual mixture of a very active educational program—internationally renowned invited speakers presenting their work in scientific sessions—and the usual invited abstracts, posters, oral sessions, etcetera. So, it should be another, very exciting meeting.




  Green 主席:万分荣幸!在此我谨代表EHA,庆贺中国临床肿瘤学会成立20周年!非常期待与中国肿瘤学研究团体以及中国血液学领域的专家们加强交流学习。作为一个血液学研究的组织,EHA非常期待加强欧洲血液学家与肿瘤医生与中国同道的联系,这也是我个人非常期待的!


  Dr. Green: Thank you. So I wish CSCO a very happy birthday next year. Happy twelfth birthday. And, I think, on behalf of EHA, I think I can very strongly say we are looking forward to strengthening our interactions with the oncology community in China, like CSCO, and also with the hematology community in China. So, as an organization, EHA is very keen to further strength the links between the European hematologists and cancer doctors and those in China. So I’m looking forward to that.



版面编辑:张楠  责任编辑:付丽云



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