[CSCO大家访谈录]Bruce Robinson教授:一种更为精准的新型免疫疗法

作者:肿瘤瞭望   日期:2017/9/30 15:56:20  浏览量:20684


来自查尔斯·盖尔德纳爵士医院Bruce Robinson教授在CSCO作报告“Novel Cancer Immunotherapy Approaches Utilizing Sequence-defined Neo-antigens”,介绍一种新型的免疫疗法。这种新型免疫疗法与时下风头正劲的免疫阻断疗法有何不同之处呢,让我们聆听Bruce Robinson教授在本刊采访中的解答。

  Oncology Frontier: What impression do you get from this CSCO conference?
  Prof. Robinson: It is very large, a lot of good speakers, and a lot of enthusiastic people attending. I’ve only been to the one session in which I was a speaker and also have listened to other people speaking in the lung cancer session and it is well organized.
  Oncology Frontier: At CSCO-CAHON-SITC Joint Symposium, you introduced a novel cancer immunotherapy approaches utilizing sequence-defined neo-antigens. How does the novel immunotherapy work?
  Prof. Robinson: Well it is different to the current immunotherapy which removes the breaks of the immune system and allows whatever is happening to happen. But, neo-antigens directed therapy involves identifying the mutations in the cancer and making a vaccine in order to force the immune system to mount a strong attack against the cancer.
  Oncology Frontier: Could you please talk about the research?progress?and clinical?application?prospect?of this new immunotherapy?
  Prof. Robinson: We have been conducting experiments in animal models for about 3 years, and it has got to the point where we can effectively eradicate established squamous in mice with this therapy on the basis of that way we have written a protocol to begin a human clinical trial. That protocol is being completed and accepted but now it is going through the final stages of ethical approval. I think we will enroll our first patient by the end of this year or early next year. We will begin with lung cancer and then we hope to spend some years using this. I think the most widely road for this therapy will be in combination with other therapies particularly with checkpoint blockade, but probably also other therapies such as chemotherapy, selected chemotherapy.
  Oncology Frontier: Can you please tell us what do you expect for the future of CSCO?
  Prof. Robinson: I am sure it will get stronger. As China continues to develop so quickly and with such beautiful conference facilities and increasingly high levels of medical attention, I think CSCO will probably become stronger. Also, China is developing its own biotechnology and other cancer related novel approaches. So, I am sure CSCO will be where new world first trials are presented as well. And that will be very exciting for everybody.


版面编辑:赵丽丽  责任编辑:张彩琴


]Bruce Robinson教授

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