[SABCS2014]SOFT试验:乳腺癌内分泌治疗及卵巢功能抑制——Nancy E. Davidson访谈

作者:  N.E.Davidson   日期:2014/12/16 19:37:41  浏览量:67487



  Oncology Frontier: Dr. Davidson, you touched briefly on the SOFT trial in your talk today. Will you give us the take home message of the SOFT trial when it comes to endocrine therapy?


  Dr. Davidson: The SOFT trial in partnership with the TEXT trial, its sister trial, both of those are trials that look at the role of optimal endocrine therapy for premenopausal women with hormone receptor positive breast cancer. They have looked at strategies of tamoxifen alone, ovarian function suppression plus tamoxifen, or ovarian function suppression plus an aromatase inhibitor. In aggregate I think what they show is that women who take the ovarian function suppression with aromatase inhibitor have a slightly better disease free survival than the women who take the other therapies. The beneift is relatively small and side effects seem to be acceptable but they also show that there is a subset of women who do extraordinarilywell with tamoxifen alone. We should not forget that many of these young women can be treated with tamoxifen and without chemotherapy. For the higher risk women though, it might be that the strategy of ovarian function suppression plus aromatase inhibitor would be worth considering.


  Oncology Frontier:  You also went into a little bit of depth about how to plan the timing of these therapies. Could you talk more about that?


  Dr. Davidson: There is a lot of interest right now in the duration of endocrine therapy. For many years we used 5 years of endocrine therapy, tamoxifen, based on randomized trials that showed that it was better than 2 years or 1 year. Recent data have suggested that 10 years of tamoxifen might be better than 5 years of tamoxifen and so we are beginning to think about how to integrate those data. Do all women need 10 years of therapy or can we somehow subset out those who do well with 5 years and do not need to take on the extra time. Tests are being developed to try to set that up. I think right now there is uncertainty but the knowledge that all women should receive at least five years and manywomen might be candidates for 10 years.



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