[ESMO2014]ESMO骨健康指南的主要信息:立即开始治疗——Jacpue Jean Body教授访谈

作者:  BodyJJ   日期:2014/12/29 19:57:15  浏览量:27386


Jean-Jacques Body教授是比利时布鲁塞尔鲁格曼大学医院内科学和转移性骨病教授、欧洲骨转移协会创始人兼首届会长、ESMO骨健康指南编写专家组成员。他在访谈中表示,“指南要传递的最重要的信息是肿瘤医生必须考虑针对骨转移进行治疗。这是因为,我们不知道远处转移的并发症事件首次发生是在什么时候。你可能会遇到只有骨转移的患者,然后你可能会说,好吧,只有单纯的骨转移,我们可以不使用这种化合物。但这是错误的,因为并发症可能在一、两个月后出现,而一旦出现第一个事件,第二个、第三个事件发生的概率就大大增加。所以最好就是骨转移诊断一旦确立,就要立即进行治疗。”

比利时布鲁塞尔鲁格曼大学医院内科学和转移性骨病教授Jacpue Jean Body教授采访


  Oncology Frontier: Could you please update to the ESMO Bone health guidelines that are coming out this year?



  Prof. Body: well, we thought it is important, to update the guidelines, so, because there has been lots, lots of progress, with interaction with new compound, denosumab, which is of course the most important one, it’s evident that these compounds act increasingly important role in which metastases patients with metastases is in bone, breast cancer has been well known for these years, but also for prostate cancer, and now more and more evidences for other cancer as well, such as lung cancer, which often has bone metastases as well. It is important to give you a basic database diagnoses bone metastasis. Follow up an appropriate patient with metastases which is not so easy; but also develop some guidelines on the particular indication of patients. You know the words, when you have to start, when do you have to stop, what kind of effect can you expect, what can you do about cancer treatment with bone loss, all those kinds of things. So the purpose is trying to give you that entire database to refer.



  Oncology Frontier: Does it touch on specific uses or particular medicines such as bisphosphonates or such as Zoledronic acid?



  Prof. Body: Yes, what we want to insist the impact that we have to start this compound as soon as the bone metastases are diagnosed, in breast cancer, and in prostate cancer at least. Then you have the choice, you have the choice between pamidronate, zoledronic acid, and denosumab. ASCO does not make any difference between these compounds. This is not our opinion. I guess denosumab is more efficient than zoledronic acid for preventing further event, also preventing for further subsequent event, in the breast cancer and prostates cancer as well. But it doesn’t’t mean that zoledronic acid resulted in … it only means we have superior compound now. We knew the bisphosphonates administered very well for many years now, Certainly the choice is important, but what was even more important is to give at least a kind of compounds as soon as patient’s bone metastasis are diagnosis, and then of course to continue therapy. Then the question often comes ok. You say to start  when the metastasis are diagnosis, but how long should you take, and for that, we do know the ASCO  guidelines, the ASCO guidelines show that  you have to take almost till the death of the patients. That is probably not true. You have to adjust the duration of treatment to your individual patients

  Body教授: 是的,我们所做的就是想加强这种影响力,就是当骨转移诊断一旦确立时,就要进行这类药物治疗,至少在乳腺癌和前列腺癌患者当中。然后你在有所选择,比如帕米膦酸、唑来膦酸或地诺单抗,虽然这些化合物之间的效果并没有显示任何差别。当然这不是我们的观点,我想地诺单抗与唑来膦酸相比在乳腺癌和前列腺癌中,对预防事件的发生和预防随之而来的进一步临床事件发生更有效。但这只意味着我们有了更好的药物而已。双膦酸盐已经应用了多年,疗效很好。选择哪种药物当然很重要,但是更重要的是一旦患者诊断为骨转移,就要至少应用一种药物,然后当然是进行持续治疗。然后问题就出现了,当远处转移一旦诊断,就开始进行治疗,那治疗应该持续多久呢?对于这一点,我们知道美国临床肿瘤学会指南指出要治疗到直至患者死亡。这恐怕并不合理,你要根据自己的具体患者制定治疗期限。


  Oncology Frontier: And are there any specific patient groups which certain compounds are more effective, for example, Zoledronic acid, are there particular groups with more effective compound?



  Prof. Body: I guess, definitely for the moment the only compound which shows activity to prevent the occurrence of metastases is in the postmenopausal patients setting. Of course, We moved patients with metastases from that situation to patients adjuvant setting, so for the preventable metastases, we have next meeting in two weeks from now, where we give you evidence for the preventable metastasis in postmenopausal women with the bisphosphonates, zoledronic acid, clodronate as well, which works also. We do not show any data yet, with new compound, denosumab. But we have adding very solid data, but it hasn’t complemented yet, but I guess in a few months I hope we can come up with some consensus, statement consensus paper about this.



  Oncology Frontier: Have you addressed quality of life surroundings using difference of compound?



  Prof. Body: Yes we have several people now; some of them data were many years ago. I was one of the first to show these bisphosphonates, Bonefos, to improve the quality of life of patients with metastases.  This has been also with other bisphosphonates, improve definitely the quality of life, also with denosumab now. It is clear that all these bisphosphonates compound options,  improve the quality of life of patients,relief the bone pain, prevent the fracture and additional therapy,but it is social  evidently extremely important to the quality of life of the patients.



  Oncology Frontier: Anything else in terms of whether protection or treatment you like to comment on this stage?



  Prof. Body: I guess the most important message is for oncologists to consider this therapy. Because oncologists, of course, hit cancer, but they have to consider it immediately as diagnosed to use of compound. Because the problem is that we do not know when the first event, when the first complication of metastases we actually care, we do not particularly affect us, you can find patients with simple bone metastases, that then you say, well ok, it is only simple bone metastases, then we might not start the compound, but that is a mistake because an event could occur one month or two months after. When the first event occurs, there is a higher risk for the second and third event. So it is better to start immediately. I guess it is the main message.  If you patient are doing quite well, if he or she is with no bone pain or no high risk of getting in a SRE, then you can visit to stop after one or  two year or lower the frequency of infusion in future for example. But the main message to think about this compound and to start them as soon as metastases are diagnosed.



版面编辑:张楠  责任编辑:何豫



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