[ESMO2014] 晚期乳腺癌国际共识(ABC2)制定者解读指南更新及发展方向——F. Cardoso教授访谈

作者:  F.Cardoso   日期:2014/10/8 19:33:04  浏览量:23959


ESMO指南委员会 (the ESMO Guidelines Committee)已经更新了一系列指南,其中一些是晚期乳腺癌的治疗指南。

F. Cardoso教授 肿瘤及乳腺单位欧洲学校,查帕里玛德癌症中心

  Oncology Frontier: You have been involved in developing the guidelines for breast cancer treatment. What are the new features of the guidelines?


  Dr Cardoso: The ESMO Guidelines Committee has updated several guidelines. One of the guidelines updated was the advanced breast cancer guidelines. These guidelines are a joint effort between the European School of Oncology and the European Society of Medical Oncology. They come from a consensus meeting that took place in November last year called the ABC (Advanced Breast Cancer) Consensus Meeting which was an update on what happened two years ago. These are guidelines dedicated to metastatic breast cancer patients who have been forgotten for a long time with the focus being on the early setting. There has been an update of the first guidelines speaking about how to manage the three main subgroups of metastatic breast cancer – triple-negative, HER2-positive (where there are new drugs coming on to the market) and also ER-positive disease. We also devote a significant amount of the guidelines to the management of locally advanced breast cancer. This is a clinical situation where the disease is quite advanced locally and not operable but still doesn’t have distant metastases. This incidence of this type of breast cancer reaches 50-60% in some developing countries whilst in the more Westernized countries, it occurs at 15-20%. There are no specific or dedicated guidelines on how to manage those patients and this was one of the future directions for these guidelines.

  Cardoso教授:ESMO指南委员会 (the ESMO Guidelines Committee)已经更新了一系列指南,其中一些是晚期乳腺癌的治疗指南。这些指南是欧洲肿瘤学会(the European School of Oncology)和欧洲肿瘤内科学会(the European Society of Medical Oncology)共同努力的结果。它们出自于去年11月份举行的晚期乳腺癌国际共识会议(Advanced Breast Cancer Consensus Meeting),是基于两年前的指南基础上的更新。在此之前,临床及学术界更关注早期乳腺癌的相关诊治,这项指南重新强化了被遗忘多时的转移性乳腺癌患者的治疗。本次指南更新了转移性乳腺癌三个主要亚型,包括三阴性乳腺癌、HER-2阳性乳腺癌(目前正有新药陆续问世)以及ER阳性乳腺癌的治疗原则。

  本次指南更新还特别关注了局部晚期乳腺癌(locally advanced breast cancer)的治疗。这是一类局部进展迅速、无法切除、但尚未出现远处转移的乳腺癌。在一些发展中国家,该型乳腺癌的发病率可达50%~60%,而在西方发达国家,其发病率为15%~20%。目前我们尚无详尽的专门针对该类患者的治疗指南,这是治疗指南制定未来发展的方向之一。

  Oncology Frontier: Is the difference between the rates in developed and developing countries a question of early detection?


  Dr Cardoso: For this problem specifically yes. Usually in countries where there are no screening programs and no widespread education about the importance of early diagnosis, the cancers are diagnosed later and where the breast cancers are very advanced with distant metastases and/or have become inoperable. That completely changes the prognosis from being a potentially curable disease to a disease with a very bad prognosis, or in the case of metastatic disease, an incurable condition.


  Oncology Frontier: What new strategies are available where detection occurs early and the condition is curable?


  Dr Cardoso: These guidelines focus on patients who have advanced disease and fortunately, these patients have a large number of drugs that can be used to treat them in terms of chemotherapy, endocrine therapy and also the new biological drugs. There is no strong data as to which is the best sequence or for how long these treatments should be given, and we have made a plea for better research through better clinical trials that are well-developed and that will address the different needs of these patients. The guidelines are written in a very practical way where all physicians who treat breast cancer can see the level of evidence for each recommendation and also the percentage of consensus from the panel members and what should be done for each specific subtype of breast cancer with metastasis and also for the group with inoperable locally advanced breast cancer.


  Oncology Frontier: Are there any particular therapy regimens that you think need more research?


  Dr Cardoso: I think we need to define newer drugs that can address the issue of resistance. For any drug that we have developed and used so far, tumors have learned to develop resistance to those drugs. Drugs focusing on either delaying or avoiding the onset of resistance are very important. There are new drugs coming out now. One is already available for patients, the other is finishing clinical trials which aim to avoid resistance to endocrine therapy. For example, the combination of everolimus or palbociclib with endocrine agents, seems to be an important step forward. We need to see the confirmation results for palbociclib later this year but everolimus is now available and there is a recommendation from the panel on how to best use that drug. It is unfortunate that it is a drug with side effects and cannot be used for all ER-positive patients but a decision should be made on a case-by-case basis. Another area of intense research and where two new drugs have reached the market is the HER2-positive population with TDM1 and pertuzumab being added to the already existing trastuzumab and lapatinib. The issue here is how to best sequence these drugs and how to best select each patient for the necessary treatment or combination of treatments.


版面编辑:张楠  责任编辑:吉晓蓉



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